
The Fourth Railway Package : a new challenge for railway transport in Europe

The European Commission welcomes the agreement reached by the European Parliament and the Council in respect of the Fourth Railway Package. The purpose was to make transport by train in Europe “more innovative and competitive”. When the measures will be definitely adopted by the member States and the European Parliament, this Fourth Railway Package will…


New rules for the sharing economy in France?

With the Internet a new collaborative consumption model appeared. The sharing economy has widely developed in particular within the travel sector (with platforms such as AirBnB, Uber, BlaBlaCar, etc.). A report submitting 19 proposals in respect of the sharing economy has been rendered to the French Prime Minister. Developing the sharing economy under fair social,…


Security provided by French travel agents: new rules

French rules on the security that travels agents are required to provide will now comply with the European Directive, as interpreted by the ECJ in its Order of 4 January 2014. Following the new decree of 2 September 2015, the security provided cannot be limited anymore. More about the new rules (in French): http://www.legavox.fr/blog/maitre-valerie-augros/nouvelle-garantie-financiere-18696.htm


No duty to inform for the air carrier

According to a recent French case from the French Cour de Cassation, the air carrier, when tickets are directly sold by the carrier, does not have to inform his passengers on the legal formalities to enter and stay on the territory of destination. This differs significantly from the obligations set out in the tourism code and…


Macron law and tourism (in French)

Une loi favorable au tourisme en France dans un contexte économique incertain? La loi Macron adoptée au cœur de l’été (loi n°2015-990 du 6 août 2015 pour la croissance, l’activité et l’égalité des chances économiques) se veut une grande réforme pour libéraliser l’activité économique en France. Elle touche de nombreux secteurs d’activité… mais c’est surtout…


Train tickets distribution (in French)

La plateforme voyages-sncf.com ne pourra plus être différenciée au détriment des agences distributrices de billets de train. Le 2 octobre 2014, l’Autorité de la Concurrence se prononce sur la distribution des billets de train en France, après avoir été saisie par une agence de voyages (Décision n°14-D-11). La distribution de billets de train n’entre pas dans le…