
Valerie Augros adressed NDC issues at Estoril Conference

Valérie Augros attended the International Conference organised on 8 and 9 October 2018 in Estoril (Portugal) by ESHTE and INATEL.

There was again a solid program this year. The conference speeches related to the new Package Travel Directive as well as to competition law in tourism, with stimulating developments made by lawyers, practitionners and acamedics from all over the world.

In her presentation, Valérie addressed the hot issues of NDC (New Distribution Capabilities) that was launched by IATA in 2012 with its resolution 787 as well as GDS surcharge, from a European competition law perspective. Indeed, Valérie first detailed the history of CRS (computorised reservation system) up to GDSs that are today widely used in particular in the air tickets retailing. She then explained the key features of NDC and clarified how this new standard should be apprehended under European competition principles.

Find out here the full program of the conference:

cartaz conferência_2018_FINAL-1

The conference was also followed with the official presentation in Cascais of the collective book on sustainable tourism law. This book was edited by Carlos Torres, Vincenzo Franceschelli and Francesco Morandi and it was published by ESHTE and INATEL Foundation.

This book gathers contributions from professors and lawyers following the conference of 2017 on sustainable tourism law.

Valerie had the pleasure to contribute with two sections in this book. The first one relates about sustainable tourism and is titled : The mountain, a territory for a sustainable tourism law in France. The second one concerns issues about the new package travel directive: The implementation of the new PTD in France, a balanced deal between all actors?